Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Another Health Topic Yet Again

Smoking...whats so wrong with it huh??? Obviously I know the effects of smoking cigarettes but why the hell do people care what I do with MY own body? I appreciate the fact that they're trying to help me but I dont want their help.

Movie Time

Theres a new movie coming out pretty soon called Splice. Its has Adrian Brody in it and him and some other lady successfully made the first human in a lab...supposedly the "perfect" human. But after awhile the creature turns nasty...its looks siiiiiiiiiiick.

Daaaaa Blackhawks

I really don't follow sports that much but I know that the Blackhawks are doin' purdy good. My lady friend is obsessed with them so I constantly get updated on them whether I like it or not.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Purpose of Life

What is the purpose of life? It's obviously different for each person. I wonder to myself sometimes why we were put on this Earth. To wake up everyday and do the same shit??? Thats not what I want with my life. I want to do something different and exciting and new each and everyday. I want to LIVE my life. You only have one people, make the best of it. Live it to fullest you can. I did a lot of thinking in the past couple weeks and have realized something. My mother passed away. And it fucked me up. But instead of sitting there and feeling like shit and getting more depressed, I go out and do something. I chill with friends...just do something you know? And I know my mother would not want me to be sitting there in my room with 18 boxes of Kleenex crying my ass off. She would want me to go out and live. And honestly people, thats what im going to do. Of course I will still have my responsibilities and all the shit but im going to have fun with my life. Like i've said only have one life. Make the best you can of it. Dont conform to the cliche American life. Go out and do whatever the hell you want. Its your life. Dont let ANYONE tell you different.